Tap tap tap. Ahem. Mhhhhh. Ahem.
Whoa- bright lights. Whew. It's been a while. No pressure.
So, you know my New Year's Resolutions? Here's a refresher:
- Learn a New Instrument
- Write a Novel
- Get into Shape
- Read for a Reason
- Do Something Good
All of that while continuing to update my blog. Guess how many I completed successfully? ::insert sad trombone::
Okay I didn't completely fail.
- I attempted a new instrument (hullo bass, ::wolf whistle::).
- I did not write a novel, a first draft, or get anywhere new except flesh out an outline. (Did I do that before the new year? Shit. Does that count?).
- I quit yoga for 9 months. (Seriously when that birthday cake rolls around, I just eat it and give up on my diet for the rest of the year. This happens in March.) Round is still a shape though. ;D
- If reading for a reason means don't read at all, I NAILED it! Sort of. I read maybe 10 books this year. That might be generous. And they weren't at all educational. Honestly, they were the equivalent to watching a Lifetime reality TV show. But some of them were so gooooood!
So I have to admit something. I succeeded at one of my resolutions. Well, not succeeded and called it finished, but succeeded at using my time to make a difference.
I got in contact with HiCaliber Horse Rescue and asked if they had a need for volunteers (they do), and I quickly realized my ability to visit was nil. LUCKILY! They have off-site volunteer opportunities (i.e. I can sit on my phone or computer and contribute!) Go me!
All in all I feel positive about how I spent my year. I realize it's not over yet, but I got the blog bug again, and the one thing I wanted to tell you is how resolutions are bullshit. People make these long lists of what they want to accomplish in the coming year, and I get that. It starts the New Year in a forward motion, but don't get wrapped up in marking every resolution off of your list. I could look at my past year and thing I had a complete crap year (I mean, I failblogged 4/5 resolutions), but I am so happy with the one I spent my time on.
Find that thing that you love and spend energy doing it, instead of trying to accomplish a thousand things. Isn't the reason you make resolutions is just to be a happier person anyway?
P.S. Love horses? Go search HiCaliber Horse Rescue on Facebook! They're Ah-Mazing.